Monday 24 June 2013

GSoC 2013: Coding Period Week 1

The Google Summer of Code 2013 coding period started on 17th June 2013. As already mentioned in a post before, I was assigned to develop the Evernote Plugin for Moodle Portfolio.

And I have already made a good progress in the project. As mentioned on the project wiki page, the initial task would be to develop the initial version of the plugin which would just create a note in the Evernote account for the text only posts and discussions.

The project required a thorough knowledge of the Evernote Markup Language (ENML) and the knowledge of OAuth authentication and the Evernote API. I did face some initial problems regarding the OAuth authentication and the SSL certifications. But, I overcame them in some sample test codes I had developed and started developing the Moodle Portfolio plugin for Evernote.

And that is where the real problems started. The plugin used to clash with the Moodle Evernote Repository I had installed on my Moodle account. I struggled to find the source of the problem for a good couple of days, before I finally got a hang of the problem. I had to disable the Evernote Repository in order to get the plugin working properly. Till now, I haven't found any solution to the problem except changing the Evernote Repository as well. In my opinion, changing the Evernote Repository is absolutely essential because the libraries of the Evernote Portfolio and Evernote Repository are clashing and hence causing problems. And I'm not in favor of making my Evernote Portfolio dependent on the Evernote Repository libraries as this will definitely cause problems if a user hasn't installed the Evernote Repository but is using the Evernote Portfolio Plugin. So, for now, I've kept my Evernote Repository disabled.

But, apart from that I've made a really good progress in making the notes in the Evernote account. The plugin now is able to convert the HTML format of the text only posts and discussions and is able to create a new note with a fixed title (this is currently defined in the code) in the default notebook. But, the text currently being exported is just plain text and all the formatting is removed for creating the new Note  in the default notebook.

The next steps for me would be to give the user the power to choose his own note title and the notebook for the new note to be created and also to ensure that the formatting of the text is not removed for the Note. Hopefully, I'll be able to that in the next week or so and hopefully I'll be able to achieve the Milestone 1.0.

I'll post more about the progress on the project next week! :)


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